Gubernatorial Surprise

Gubernatorial Surprise

Earlier this week, I was in the Raleigh airport snagging a flight to New York for a couple of days of meetings. While I was waiting to board, I glanced up from my notes and noticed a familiar face. Not sure whether I was right, I stopped staring. I continued to wait...
Death Defying Zips

Death Defying Zips

Never one to shy away from a challenge – or attempt to impress someone – I agreed to go zip lining. All I know about this event is that it sometimes leads to flesh eating bacteria infections. Although I hate to spoil the suspense, I’ll go ahead and...
Camping Fail

Camping Fail

A few weeks ago, my friends invited me to go camping. Since I didn’t have any gear, I visited Wal*Mart. And, because I figured a tent was a tent, I bought based on price. Turns out “Junior Tent” means it’s for a...
Natural Bridge, Va.

Natural Bridge, Va.

My only regret about my trip to Natural Bridge, Va. is that I missed the Christian Light Show called the “Drama of Creation.” I mean, anything that Calvin Coolidge dedicated as President (and that’s still running) is pretty impressive. After all, Old...