Singapore Surprise

Singapore Surprise

My leg started buzzing while I was sitting in a meeting in Washington, DC a week-or-so ago. When everyone in the room began glaring at me, it became clear that “vibrate” does not mean the same thing as “silent” on a cell phone. I, of course,...
Beverly Hills Car

Beverly Hills Car

Beverly Hills has always held a certain mystique for me. As I was packing for a trip to LA, I wondered why. Sure, I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the LA area, but I’ve never really explored it. So how could I get this image? Then it hit me. I got it...
Denver Round 2

Denver Round 2

After hearing that my post about Denver wasn’t “up-to-snuff,” I decided to return. Well, in truth, I decided to return because I had another meeting there, but if it makes the reader who complained feel better, I’ll tell him it was for him. By...